
December BJP page continues

Still snowed in - this is getting very very old, very very fast. I broke out the size 15 beads this morning figuring that since I had so much time to work on this page, I might as well use them.


beadbabe49 said...

My mom's in puyallup and also snowed in, but she went out on saturday to stock up on groceries and still has electric, so is okay! Hope you're warm and stocked up too!

pam T said...

ooo this is very very pretty! for being snowed in and not caring for it, your page seems to project a sense of peace to me....

Sea Mist and Sunsets said...

Hope the snow is beginning to melt over there. I finally got into the office yesterday. Beautiful everywhere but nice to be able to move about now as well.

These two last pieces are right up my alley color wise. And that blue green range contrasting with the rust/orange is yummy. Your hands and imagination create the most amazing pieces.
Have a great holiday!