
November Page

I completed my November Bead Journal Page in 2 sittings so there aren't progress photos of this one. I started Thursday after work and finished it at 2 this morning. The past few weeks have had challenges and one of my not so great characteristics is that during times of challege, I tend to get rather stubborn (to put it mildly). And so the November page is titled "not everything is black and white" (or don't be a pighead). It didn't change my perspective on the world much but it did make a me laugh a lot and that in itself is a very good thing.


artandtea said...

Hi! This is a great piece, full of scrumptious beads. I love your theme, especially Ms. Piggy.

KV said...

Love it! Some of the most interesting and fun pieces emerge when we are faced with challenging times. That piggy is wonderful.

Kathy V in NM

ACey said...

what a cool way to express yourself at a challenging time. Really enjoyed having the backstory for this one.

Ellen said...

I love it, black & white is always so striking

Geraldine said...

it's beautiful!

Robin said...

Without your "story," this is a very well-balanced study in black and white (and red)... difficult to pull off well... really difficult, and you DID it in spades!!! With your "story," it's even better... what a great gift, to arrive at a new perspective through beading! Congratulations!

Mountain Salt Studio said...

Thanks Robin - It's a good thing that I didn't know that black and white was difficult before I started.
